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So You’ve Gone Gluten-Free


So you’ve gone gluten free, now what? Your hungry? Tired? Can’t fill up and can’t think of what to eat or how? Overwhelmed with it all?

I’m here to help!

For whatever reason you're gluten free - whether it be celiac disease, intolerance, inflammation, general health etc – and YES there is a place for EVERY reason to be gluten free… it’s sometimes quite daunting on where to start.

My journey began after being diagnosed with blastocystis hominis, a common but nasty parasite – I was always getting sick with a horrible cough when a naturopath suggested at the time to remove gluten,I didn’t see the relevance it had. Boy was I surprised!

Its been years now and I can say my stomach has healed, my inflammation has decreased and my blasto is undercontrol (that’s a whole other blog post though!)

It wasn’t easy going from eating bread and whatever I wanted to having to cut it out, but I’m an all or nothing girl and when I learnt of the ill effects it was having on my immune system and gut, well, I haven’t looked back.

FX Medicine have recently posted an article with backed research regarding the ill effect gluten has to even those who haven’t been diagnosed with celiac disease – I wanted to share this here as many people don’t understand why you might be giving up gluten will question you for it and often think its just a fad, well there is the cold hard research and backing, that its not.

While I do not condone overuse of packaged goods and believe a wholefood diet is one of importance, at the same time we are human, life gets busy and we crave a pasta meal or a snack we used to enjoy without the gluten!

Point being – don’t over do it on packaged goods, read your labels and make sure the gluten taken out of products isn’t being replaced with sugars and thickeners and things you can’t even read and make sure where you are substituting you are making the right choices.

Below I have listed some of the some gluten free products I love and trust in. These are healthy and not full of crap and a reasonable price too!

Buontempo – gluten free pasta, made from rice and maize – a great alternative and its light and fluffy and doesn’t take long to cook! I’ve also served it to non gluten free people who now prefer it!  I find it at Woolworths locally – its in the pasta section but not usually well placed, keep your eye out for it

Aldi brand – Buckwheat or Quinoa pasta spirals – delicious and full of protein and fibre VERY affordable also !

Orgran products – can be found in Woolworths, Coles and online as well as These are my all-time fav range of gluten free products as most of them don’t have nasty additives or fillers. Buckwheat Crispbread – kinda same consistency as the good old cruskits without any nasties! These are simply just Buckwheat, rice flour and salt! Perfect for a mid morning or afternoon snack with your choice of topping such as hummus, tomato and cheese, ricotta, bruschetta etc!These also come in Chia, Quinoa and Corn!

They even do a light wafer style cracker perfect to accompany with dips and at parties where you feel you are missing out with the cheese and crackers – Lactose free? No prob, these are fab with goats or sheeps cheeses also!

Turned off baking because now your gluten free? Not a drama!

Orgran also do a range of baking goods and even bread mixes!

BOBS RED MILL products

Mostly can be found in great health food stores

They do a range of things you might find you need when baking and experimenting with gluten free options such as almond meal, baking powder and xantham gum as well as all your different flours which can be used as substitutes such as quinoa, coconut and buckwheat etc.

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